Agromin, California's largest organics waste recycler and manufacturer of earth-friendly soil products, has launched its “Healthy Soil Heroes,” ambassador program by partnering with five founding members. The founding members represent a diverse range of agricultural and community-focused businesses, including a native plant nursery, flower farm, community garden, agricultural education ambassadors and an edible garden design company.
"We created Healthy Soil Heroes as a way to recognize businesses and nonprofits that are promoting sustainable gardening, farming and landscaping practices,” says Bill Camarillo, Agromin’s CEO. “They are creating healthy food, beautifying landscapes and improving our planet.”
The Founding Five
Meiners Oaks Community Garden is a new 7,500-square-foot community garden located a few miles from downtown Ojai. Its grand opening is October 20. The garden is made of 38 3’x6’ raised garden beds. Community members can rent space to create their own gardens and participate in gardening-based workshops and events. Rental fees include soil, tools and water. To sign up, attend the October 20 grand opening or go to for more information.
MiniNature Reserve, a nonprofit organization based in Oxnard, began in 2021 by Diego Magaña who was inspired by the beauty of natural parks. He started a native plant nursery in his backyard, and with a team of volunteers, he planted the first of several “MiniNature Reserves” in Ventura County. These reserves are pockets of nature within an urban setting aimed at creating green spaces while providing habitats for native plants, pollinators and animals. MiniNature Reserve’s plant nursery is now at 1,500 square-foot location in Oxnard and is open to the public.
Grow With Mo, based in Ojai, is a garden design, consulting and education company specializing in edible gardens, permaculture and regenerative design. Founder Morgan (Mo) Visalli helps her clients grow vegetable gardens, healthy fruit trees, and create more ecologically friendly landscapes by using organic growing practices.
Ventura County Farm-2-School works with 12 school districts throughout Ventura County supporting over 50 school gardens. More than 30,000 students participate each year in Farm-2-School programs where students learn about nutrition, agriculture, the environment and healthy cooking. Farm-2-School also provides technical assistance and training to teachers so they can incorporate school gardens into their teaching curriculum. Its Ventura County School Food Hub, with partner Farm Cart Organics, delivers fruits and vegetables from local farms to schools so the produce can be included in daily student meals.
Killdeer Farms in West Sacramento is a small, family-owned farm that grows mostly flowers and lavender. Owners Christine and Scott Killdeer sell their flowers once a month from their five-acre farm during their harvest season. Flowers are also available through subscriptions and in bulk. They offer workshops where community members receive hands-on planting instructions and get to take home bouquets of fresh-cut flowers.
As a benefit of being a member of Healthy Soil Heroes, members receive a free supply of Agromin compost, mulch and other soil amendments plus a 15 percent off coupon code that members can share with customers and colleagues. Members, in turn, highlight their success stories using Agromin materials through their social media channels.
Healthy Soil Heroes membership applications are closed for 2024 but will open in 2025 for agricultural-related businesses and organizations. For more information, go to or contact Cody Cain (805-850-8797, [email protected].
Agromin CEO Bill Agromin was recently interviewed by Waste Dive about the current status of SB 1383 and organics diversion mandates in light of new laws.
To read the article, click here.Link
Agromin CEO Bill Camarillo recently received the Pacific Coast Business Times’ Spirit of Small Business award as a veteran business owner. Here’s a video that tells his story:
California jurisdictions must secure 100% of their CalRecycle procurement target of recovered organic waste products under SB 1383 starting Jan. 1, 2025, or face substantial fines. Many jurisdictions will struggle to meet their target because there are not enough organic waste facilities to produce qualified products, according to Bill Camarillo, CEO of Agromin, California's largest organics waste recycler.
CalRecycle estimates an additional 20 to 25 million tons of organic waste must be processed into compost, mulch or biogas to meet the procurement needs of California's jurisdictions. CalRecycle says this would require between 50 and 100 new or expanded recycling facilities.
“The lack of recycling facilities and an inconsistent supply of raw organic materials will make it difficult, if not impossible for all jurisdictions to meet their SB 1383 targets,” says Camarillo. “Establishing a strong relationship between jurisdictions and organic waste processors is key. By working together, jurisdictions and recyclers can find creative solutions to the procurement issue.” Camarillo cited Agromin's partnership with the City of Ventura as an example.
“Agromin created a coupon program so Ventura residents and businesses can easily order free compost for pick up or delivery at Ventura tracks orders through a secure portal, which helps with CalRecycle reporting requirements. The city created a robust web presence outlining the giveaway program and used social media and other marketing to get the word out,” says Camarillo. Since the program began as a pilot in December 2022, residents have ordered 743 tons of Agromin’s compost and mulch.
Agromin established similar partnerships with the County of Ventura, City of Oxnard, City of Sacramento and City of Camarillo. Find all free compost program partnerships at
"These types of partnerships can be replicated throughout the state by organic waste recyclers,” says Camarillo. “My advice to jurisdictions is to lock in product procurement relationships and create programs that enable product distribution quickly and efficiently.”
Agromin’s Dixon’s location is on 20 acres of the Yolo Land &Cattle Company’s ranch. Here’s a Western Livestock Journal article about the ranch and how part of its diversification and sustainability efforts includes partnering with Agromin. The cattle company integrates compost made by Agromin into its operation.
Click here to read the article.
Agromin’s organic recycling facility at Limoneira Ranch was recently featured on KCBS-TV News. The segment discussed SB 1383 recycling rules and then followed the recycling process—from accepting raw materials at the site to spreading the resulting mulch products on Limoneira orchards.
Click here to watch: